
May 28, 2014

Top 17 Java Coding Tips for job interviews and pre-interview coding tests

Tip #1: If you are asked to write a function or code, make sure that your code fails fast. Check for pre-conditions and post conditions. For, example, if you are writing a function to "apply given interest rate to given balance"

Pre-condition: Balance is a positive number and greater than zero. Interest rate is not a percentage and can't be > 1.
Post-condition: new balance is a positive number by applying the interest rate.

public BigDecimal updateBalance(BigDecimal balance, BigDecimal rate) {
//pre-condition check if(balance == null || rate == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("balance or interestRate cannot be null"); } if(!isGretaerThanZero(balance)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("balance must be a +ve number > zero "); } if(isInputPercentage(rate) || !isGretaerThanZero(rate)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("rate is not valid"); } BigDecimal newBalance = balance.multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.add(rate)); //postcondition checks -- wrong calculation if(!isGretaerThanZero(balance)) { throw new CalculationException("balance must be a +ve number > zero."); } if(newBalance.compareTo(balance) <= 0){ throw new CalculationException("new balance cannot be less or same as old balance "); } return newBalance;  
boolean isGretaerThanZero(BigDecimal input){
  return input.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0 ;
boolean isInputPercentage(BigDecimal input){
  return input.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) > 0 ;

Tip #2: Don't write big functions, and divide them into smaller meaningful functions as shown above with isGreaterThanZero, isInputPercentage, etc.  Favor meaningful function names as opposed to cluttering your code with comments. The function names must be self explanatory as to what you are doing.

Tip #3: Write JUnit tests to test your function or code. Test for both the positive and negative scenarios. You need junit-xxx.jar for the example below.

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

public class BalanceCalcTest {
 BalanceCalc calc;

 public void init() {
  calc = new BalanceCalc();
 public void testUpdateBalance() {
  BigDecimal updatedBalance = 
    calc.updateBalance(new BigDecimal("100.00"), (new BigDecimal("0.10")));
  Assert.assertTrue(new BigDecimal("110.0").compareTo(updatedBalance) == 0);
 @Test(expected = java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void negativeTestUpdateBalance() {
  BigDecimal updatedBalance = 
       calc.updateBalance(new BigDecimal("-100.00"), (new BigDecimal("0.10")));

Tip #4If you are asked to write iterative version of function then you may be drilled  to write recursive version or vice-versa. When writing loops, don't use i or j as index variables. Use meaningful names. Also avoid nested loops where possible.

Reverse a given string input : iteration

public static String reverse(String input) {
        StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        char[] strChars = input.toCharArray();

        for (int charIndex = strChars.length - 1; charIndex >= 0; charIndex--) {

        return strBuilder.toString();

Reverse a given string input : recursion

public static String reverseRecursion(String input) {

        //exit condition. otherwise endless loop
        if (input.length() < 2) {
            return input;

       return reverseRecursion(input.substring(1)) + input.charAt(0);


Note: You may be quizzed on tail recursion

Tip #5:  Familiarize yourself with order of complexity with the Big O notation to answer any follow up question like -- What is the order of complexity of the above function you wrote?

Tip #6: Code to interface. Initialize your collection with appropriate capacity. Don't return a null collection, instead return an empty collection like  Collections.<String>emptyList( );.

Don't do:

   HashMap<String, String> keyValues = new HashMap()<String, String>();
   ArrayList<String>  myList = new ArrayList<String>();


   Map<String, String> keyValues = new HashMap()<String, String>(20);
   List<String>  myList = new ArrayList<String>(100);

Tip #7: Favor composition over interface

Tip #8: Use generics where required. Recursion with Generics tutorial. Understanding generics with scenarios.

Tip #9: Reduce the accessibility, and make your objects immutable where appropriate. For example, a custom key class that is used to store objects in a map. How to make a Java class immutable tutorial.

Tip #10: Don't forget to override Object class's methods that are meant to be overridden like equals(...), hashCode( ), and toString( ).

Tip #11: When you have large if/else or switch statements, see if the Open/Closed design principle can be applied.

Tip #12: Don't assume that your objects and classes are going to be accessed by a single-thread. Safeguard your objects and classes against multi-threading. Java multi-threading questions and answers.

Tip #13: Use the right data types. For example, use either BigDecimal to represent monetary values in dollars and cents or long to represent them in their lowest units as just cents (400 cents for $4.0). Beware of max and minimum values for data types. If you want values larger than long, use BigInteger, which has no theoretical limit. The BigInteger class allocates as much memory as it needs to hold all the bits of data it is asked to hold

byte (-128 to 127) -->  short (2 bytes,  -32,768 to 32,767) --> char(2 bytes, 65,535) --> int (4 bytes, -2^31 to 2^31-1) --> long(8 bytes,  -2^63 to 2^63-1) --> float (4 bytes) --> double (8 bytes). boolean (true or false)

Also, never compare floating point variables to exact amount like

double amount = 12.05;
if(amount == 12.05) { //don't
    // something

Tip #14: Handle and propagate exceptions properly. Have a consistent usage of checked and unchecked exceptions.

Exception is swept under the carpet.

try {
   //do something
catch(Exception ex){
    //do nothing

CustomCheckedException is never reached as exceptions are polymorphic in nature. CustomCheckedException must be declared first above Exception.

try {
   //do something
catch(Exception ex){
    //do something

catch(CustomCheckedException ex){
    //do nothing

Tip #15: Write pseudo code for more difficult coding questions. At times drawing diagrams help you solve the solving problem.

Tip #16: Keep in mind some of the design principles like  SOLID design principles, Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY), and Keep It Simple ans Stupid (KISS). Also, think about the OO concepts -- A PIE.   Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance, and Encapsulation. These principles and concepts are all about accomplishing

  • Low coupling: Coupling in software development is defined as the degree to which a module, class, or other construct, is tied directly to others. You can reduce coupling by defining intermediate components (e.g. a factory class or an IoC container like Spring) and interfaces between two pieces of a system. Favoring composition over inheritance can also reduce coupling. 
  • High cohesion: Cohesion is the extent to which two or more parts of a system are related and how they work together to create something more valuable than the individual parts. You don't want a single class to perform all the functions (or concerns) like being a domain object, data access object, validator, and a service class with business logic. To create a more cohesive system from the higher and lower level perspectives, you need to break out the various needs into separate classes.  

Tip #17: If you are coding in front of the interviewer, think out loud. It is not always possible to solve problems in an interview when you are nervous, but how you will go about solving a coding problem is equally important even if you don't solve it. So, let the interviewer know that you know how to approach a problem. Solve the problem first, and then find ways to optimize it in terms of performance and memory allocation.

Practice!, practice!!, practice!!!....Write  code!!, more code!!!, more code!!!!.  That is the only way. Any more tips or corrections folks?



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