Top 17 Unix commands Java developers use frequently
Unix for software developers
1. Find with grep to search for files with a certain text. For example, search all properties files where there are "inbox" search texts defined.
$find . -type file -name "*.properties" | xargs grep inbox \{\}; # $find . -type f -name "*.properties" -exec grep "inbox" {} /dev/null \;
This will recursively search all sub folders as well. Very handy if you are searching for something. The addition of /dev/null is for the grep to consistently print the file name when it finds a match.
If you are searching within a single folder, for example, to list all the log files that have "job-no-300"
grep -l "job-no-300" *.log
To recursively delete .svn folders of a project to remove any links to subversion
find . -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
2. If a log file is too large, split it into smaller files before using less -200 xaaaa.
split -b 1m -a 3 PUWPD394.20140623.172525.log
files are split into xaaa, xaab, xaaac, etc.
3. Identify the jar file that has a particular class or resource file. For example, to find the jar files that has MyConnection.class filer. Handy for identifying class loading issues for batch job.
find . -name '*.jar' -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' sh -c 'jar tf {} | grep MyConnection.class
4. find all the files that has URLs that are http:// with https:// with the power of sed command
find . -type f -name '*.properties' -exec sed -i 's/http\:\/\//https\:\/\//g' {} \;
5. Create a symbolic link
ln -s
now, -> Handy when you have different environmental properties files, and can use a symbolic link to connect to particular environment like test1, test2, test3, etc.
6. Execute a shell command
$./ -env test1 -logile myapp.log
where -env test1 and -logfile myapp.log are arguments passed to the shell script.
7. Run a shell script in the background even after you log out the session. For example, kick off a long running batch job.
$nohup ./ -env test1 -logile myapp.log &
nohup ensures that it runs even after you logout. and & is for running in the background.
8. change directory, make a new directory, create an empty file, find the present folder, and list files.
$ cd folder1 $ mkdir folder2 $cd folder2 $touch test.txt #new file $pwd #list current folder $cat test.txt #display contents $more test.txt #paginates $ls -ltr $ls -ltr *300* #all jobs with job number 300
9. Copy or move files
$cp /test3/*.txt /test1/
$cp /test3/a.txt /test/b.txt # copy a file with another name
$mv /test3/a.txt /test/b.txt
If you mv, the source file will be deleted. You can use mv to rename a file as well.
10. history command to reuse some of the commands you already used.
$history $history | grep mkdir $!cd $!35
11. Check a log file.
$less -200 myapp.log tail -f myapp.log
shift+G to go to bottom of the file
g to go to beginning of the file
/INFO to search for "INFO"
:q to quit
12. Edit a file
$vi myapp.txt
a -> append
x --> delete a character
13. Java process control commands
$ps -ef | grep java
$kill-3 12345 #kill a process with pid 12345
14 Network connections and sockets info. You can identify ports already in use.
$netstat -a | grep 444
15. archive the files in the current folder with tar.
tar cvzf myapp.tgz . #z means gzip. c - create tar xvzf myapp.tgz #untar and un gzip x - extract
16. Transfer files with scp.
scp myappl.tgz # copy to a server scp . # copy from a server
17. Commands to verify network connectivity
$ping hostname $telnet hostname 25 #hostname and port number $wget
This was meant to be a quick list. You can search for more detailed examples in this blog.
Labels: UNIX
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